Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Our Challenges in Life


Each one of has our very own nisayon (challenges) in life.

We do not have to be anxious of what the outcome will be, we just have to do what is best and right at every given moment and situation along the way.

Hashem will then take all those best efforts of ours, and all the amazing trust and faith we had in Him, and He will do with it what is truly good for us.

Hashem will do what is good.
We cannot know what that may be, but He does know.

The greatest reality is our trust in Hashem,
Everything else is simply our imagination...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All you need is to nullify yourself and connect to the Tzaddik and everything will fall into place. All the good will come and all the bad will go... Both in person and in general

  3. One has to be careful with all the "tzaddik" stuff. Nullifying yourself completely to anything but Hashem could be dangerous.
    Connecting to Hashem is where reality is at.
    He does however use many messengers, tzaddikim included.
